Archive for February 3, 2010

Education Spending? Is it too much? Is it enough?

The school district where I work is facing significant budget cuts, like many in the state. So the article that I read that held the most interest for me currently was a conservative blog entry about the increased federal spending on education. The article’s main point was that increased spending and increased performance are not related, and it generally frowned upon the increase: “Unfortunately, the sacred cow of education has been spared of the spending freeze.” (It’s a safe guess that the writer is not in the education field.)

I obviously have a different view of the situation. The teacher I am subbing for has been told her job is on the line in this next round of budget cuts. So I’m looking at this proposed increase in spending and asking, “When is it going to get here?” I hope it’s soon enough to save my colleague’s job.

The problem is, of course, is that most of the funding for schools comes from the state level and not the federal government. States have been hit hard by the recession (decreased tax revenue from both sales and property tax, I’m sure), and that is finally starting to show in education. The sooner we can get this federal money into school systems, to make a difference and save jobs, the better.

Articles I’ve Read:

Time Magazine “Why We’re Failing Our Schools”

New York Times “Experts Say a Rewrite of Nation’s Main Education Law Will Be Hard This Year”

Boston Globe “Obama education overhaul well received”

The Foundry “Budget 2011: Education Spending Skyrockets”